random moment of celebration: i was voted teacher's biggest challenge!
lol i didnt really think i was that much of a challenge, but apparently someone thought i was. w/e, idrc. its amusing either way.
ok so im making an appointment to get my bellybutton redone on wednesday, since the last hole has now closed, and im just going to keep my fingers crossed that it won't shift this time. bc if it migrates again, it means that its just going to migrate every time, and ill never have a straight piercing. but im just going to wish for good things for round 4. and nipples on friday too, so its going to be an exciting week for many reasons.
one more reason to celebrate tho- i now officially have only 4 more days left of high school! i can't wait to get away from all these stupid overgrown children and all their drama. what happens after that im not sure, but we'll come to that in time.
oh- and im getting my septum pierced too, but idk when. i have to wait at least until my latest sinus infection clears up, bc its too high of a risk of infection. but ill post again when i know for sure that its happening.

ok so im making an appointment to get my bellybutton redone on wednesday, since the last hole has now closed, and im just going to keep my fingers crossed that it won't shift this time. bc if it migrates again, it means that its just going to migrate every time, and ill never have a straight piercing. but im just going to wish for good things for round 4. and nipples on friday too, so its going to be an exciting week for many reasons.
one more reason to celebrate tho- i now officially have only 4 more days left of high school! i can't wait to get away from all these stupid overgrown children and all their drama. what happens after that im not sure, but we'll come to that in time.
oh- and im getting my septum pierced too, but idk when. i have to wait at least until my latest sinus infection clears up, bc its too high of a risk of infection. but ill post again when i know for sure that its happening.