yep, thats right. i now have one part done of my 4 part bellybutton project, thanks to my amazing bf dalton. it was his first real "professional" piercing (w/ an actual piercing needle n clamps n all that), and im sooooooo proud of him! he did such a great job. i just really hope it doesnt migrate or anything, bc it looks so awesome right now! but yeah, i love it lol. and we tried to do my tragus a little later, but the damn needle got completely stuck and we both just kind of gave up on that one for the time being. we're going to try it again in about a week or so, but i want to give it some time to chill first. and im getting this chick i know to do my nose any day now, woot!
anyway, he got lots of practice in, and as soon as he decides what he wants done himself i can start getting some in myself, yay! and im really hoping to get my nipples done within the next couple weeks, but idk. its looking like my lack of $ is going to force me to choose b/w the piercings and the dreads at least until i get my graduation money. im thinking probably piercings first then dreads and touching up my tattoo after the grad party. either way, lots of excitement in the near future, not to mention actually putting in my application to sg (finally)!!!
anyway, he got lots of practice in, and as soon as he decides what he wants done himself i can start getting some in myself, yay! and im really hoping to get my nipples done within the next couple weeks, but idk. its looking like my lack of $ is going to force me to choose b/w the piercings and the dreads at least until i get my graduation money. im thinking probably piercings first then dreads and touching up my tattoo after the grad party. either way, lots of excitement in the near future, not to mention actually putting in my application to sg (finally)!!!

Pics? I'd love to see the belly button so far!
soon soon, i promise. i have to hold it in place for now bc since my bellybutton itself isnt 100% straight up n down and all we could get in was a straight barbell, it keeps wanting to go crooked n i dont want it to heal that way. it should stay pretty well after a day or 2 tho, so ill have pics up for sure by then. i might even have the bottom done by then too, so we'll see. he did a really good job tho, and i can't wait to show it off!