hell week for drama, shows tomorrow. hell week is basically the week before opening night where we have like 6 hours of rehearsal a day, so needless to say i'll be pretty much gone til after saturday. only halfway thru and im physically and mentally exhausted. (thankfully we're almost done, show opens tomorrow night) bc i don't know how much i can take. i realize nobody who's never been thru any type of hell week situation will either know or care why it sucks so much and why i absolutely felt the need to bitch about it, but i just need to get this off my chest so there it is. i hate hell week. but the play's going to be amazing, we're doing little shop of horrors. and if the actors can pull their shit together and stop ripping costumes every other scene, we're going to have a great opening night.
on a side note, TECHIES DO IT IN THE DARK!!!
that is all. goodnight.
on a side note, TECHIES DO IT IN THE DARK!!!

that is all. goodnight.