Sometimes truth is stranger then fiction, really... I know people say this but there is one aspect of this job that is strange to the point of surrealism. My usual job here is plain enough: while a dredge moves sand from shipping channels to area that need it (ie beaches) I monitor for accidental killings of seaturtles. But what makes this job surreal is not what I am doing it but where. We are dumping sand in front of RUSH LIMBAUGH's HOUSE!! Really! The man who thinks all govenrment spending is waste lives on an island entirely created by.... THE US GOVERNMNET! Its a man made island made to protect the port of Palm Beach from silting in, and as such the government is responsable for maintaining his beach front property. Do you think that Rush gets the irony? I doubt it.
By the way, his house is a fat and white as his pre-oxycotin ass.
One of the mates listens to Rush an the radio, and I heard hime reaming out some caller who said that the government shouldnt bail out the people whose hillside homes collapsed in California because they were uninsurable. Why so magnanumus? because that same US govt program (FEMA) is whats gonna bail his fat white-ass out when a hurricaine comes. He talks big, but hes just another pig at the trough.
Life is strange. Im workingnights and I need more coffee.
By the way, his house is a fat and white as his pre-oxycotin ass.
One of the mates listens to Rush an the radio, and I heard hime reaming out some caller who said that the government shouldnt bail out the people whose hillside homes collapsed in California because they were uninsurable. Why so magnanumus? because that same US govt program (FEMA) is whats gonna bail his fat white-ass out when a hurricaine comes. He talks big, but hes just another pig at the trough.
Life is strange. Im workingnights and I need more coffee.

haven't met her yet, will in 4 months or so

hey man - hope it's going all right, in florida and in oregon, sgny misses you too!