I overdid the housework thing. Hauloing chicken manure from the chicken yard into the garden beds, musta been 600lbs of straw and poop. So I am going to take it easy today, go have a few beers at the Horse Brass, and get to bed tonight early. I have to go get my antique stove tomarrow. Hopefully I can get it to fit in the kitchen. I have some pics of it I am going to upload. Im soo happy about it.
Went on another date last night. She's really nice but no sparkle. We were both really tired though so that could been it. I dunno, the whole dating thing baffles me, even though I like it.
Went on another date last night. She's really nice but no sparkle. We were both really tired though so that could been it. I dunno, the whole dating thing baffles me, even though I like it.

You didn't apply for SGPDX but it was vouch time and I threw your name in as someone I'd vouch for.