backstage picture of argentina shooting
and some previews
By other hand in 2 weeks i will travel to Colombia YAY! i am gonna met the girls of Bogota and Medillin for 14 days. Wish me luck because im nervious as hell and thats is because my expience in a plane is around two hours so far and this travel is 8 hours longer , i am very exited i cant wait to see the beauties, i hope it goes well
ill have the placer to stay with Discoquette in Bogota and then with Naph in Medillin
God im so lucky, so in december you guys have to stay tunned to see the new sets of Colombia. GIRLS I AM COMMING FOR YOU ALL ahahahahah
Please don't forget this Argentinian goddes and friend she's have a new set in MR give her the love she deserves.
Tangerine-My sweet
new set coming oh yeah
Thank you so much to the people that always support and vote for my work i really apreciate that a lot
i hope we all see more sets in FP
and for finish now I Want to see this girls in FRONT PAGE!
give some love!
Lot of kisses and luck for everyone who read me... i love you sooo much!!!
soon more blogs a promise
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