Wednesday's girl has no boobs and is is wearing platforms, that is just _so_ wrong
I want combat boots or stilettos damn it.
she's still kind of cute though
disturbing, plz.
I'm sorry, but I have no brain-cells left.
I'd do it all for a cookie right now, even it's been up someone's ass.
Which reminds me of the transitions people go through while they're getting more comfortable with you.
Like farting in front of you.
Or _on_ you.
He looks feline by computer light.
I've fallen asleep looking/thinking/feeling/grokking that lately
I want combat boots or stilettos damn it.
she's still kind of cute though
disturbing, plz.
I'm sorry, but I have no brain-cells left.
I'd do it all for a cookie right now, even it's been up someone's ass.
Which reminds me of the transitions people go through while they're getting more comfortable with you.
Like farting in front of you.
Or _on_ you.
He looks feline by computer light.
I've fallen asleep looking/thinking/feeling/grokking that lately
You should never be comfortable enough to fart_on_someone......even if they started it...
Read Heinlein's Stranger in a Strange Land.
'should' as an exhortation is ridiculous. perhaps in _your_ world that should never happen, but other people are of the mind that the more comfortable you are with someone the closer you get to them, and the closest rapports with humans are the bestest.
so be a tad more cautious about whom you go bandying about your scheme of things to.
There is no 'should' or 'shouldn't in relationships, even when you apply it directly to yourself, ask anyone who's taken even an hour of Psych 101.
perhaps a "I would like it/prefer/wish if blahblablah wasn't done to me" might be a more result-yielding manner of expressing your druthers...for 'should' has heavy implications of something that is mandatory.
Also, the bay area can get pretty damn cold.