mmmmmm mmmmmm mmmmm...
once again, the cute girl upstairs is shamelessly using me for sex! and, oddly, i have no moral, political, philosophical, ethical, existential, or any other kind of problem with that... but this time, in exchange, i have to cat-sit for her... i love the barter system.
once again, the cute girl upstairs is shamelessly using me for sex! and, oddly, i have no moral, political, philosophical, ethical, existential, or any other kind of problem with that... but this time, in exchange, i have to cat-sit for her... i love the barter system.
are there any metalhead bars in nyc? i once went to some place on the west side at like 14th and 10thave which totally was awful. i went to one in jersey. which is like saying i went to a cowboy bar in texas. or a hockey bar in canada. or a jew bar in isreal.
nah i don't hate jews, im even part jewish. i just think zionism is a bad idea, along w any and all religious chauvanism. cough. and i was always jealous of my jewish friends cos they had neater toys.