broke broke broke broke broke broke broke. i am so broke. luckily i have some bags of lentils and rice, so at least i won't starve for a while. and there's tons of cat food and katsuo, so the cat is living large. the bright side: i have worked so much over the past month that when the checks do arrive i won't have to worry about this shit happening again for a long time. assuming i can keep myself from drinking and whoring away the cash, that is... off to go through pants and jacket pockets for possible beer money!
I come back to this journalthingie and find not one-- but TWO lovely ladies have not only read it, but replied! A very nice feeling, for some reason. Thank you both! And just when I was getting used to the idea of keeping a journal that noone read...
It's about 4am, and I am every bit awake as I was at 4pm. No chemical intervention to blame, I just cannot sleep...
I found an unopened jar of Branston Pickle in the cupboard, and I am sooo happy! I ran downstairs to get some bread to put it on, so I will at least have a lovely breakfast (assuming that, first, I am at some point able to fall asleep, and second, wake up afterwards). Anyone else into the BP?
Indiestargirl-- I am very sorry to hear that someone ran off with your Kitty. But noone can ever really own a Kitty, and I am sure that you will soon be owned by a Cat, whether you want to or not...
and xdaniellex-- we have similar philosophies-- i always look for the bright side!
i hope all is well with everyone who might or might not be reading this.
I am going to listen to some bad music and do some things that do not involve this machine.