Alright Time for a happier blog probably short lol, well ym car is fixed n i already been driving alot since i got her back i stilll dont know what to call her lmao.
Umm oh i finally got some of the money the army owes me and my tv and xbox n all my stuff should be here by Wednesday lmao here is hoping.
Umm i have a pt test in like 2-3 weeks i pass it i get my rank back n i am able to re enlist, i wont but i do plan on extending so i can go to afghan one more time, i like fighting for my country no matter how much the army agitates me lmao.
And im Dating/ FWB with this stripper
she is mad cool and she wants to model for me when i get the rest of my camera gear back
Well have a good weekend all
Umm oh i finally got some of the money the army owes me and my tv and xbox n all my stuff should be here by Wednesday lmao here is hoping.
Umm i have a pt test in like 2-3 weeks i pass it i get my rank back n i am able to re enlist, i wont but i do plan on extending so i can go to afghan one more time, i like fighting for my country no matter how much the army agitates me lmao.
And im Dating/ FWB with this stripper

Well have a good weekend all

you name your car?
hemi: coming to WA anytime soon?