And there I was on Saturday, bobbing up and down on a long, hollow piece of fiberglass, sitting literally on the edge of the Pacific Ocean. This is when I realized I really was living in paradise.
I complain far more than I should. Justlittleolme gave me a CD recently to help curb our mutual anxiety problems. One of the stories from the CD that really stuck out was a recollection on the behalf of Holocaust survivors, talking about the one aspect of their lives that they could control: their attitude. Those who survived, despite all evidence to the contrary, made a very conscious decision to remain positive in the face of defeat and failure. Even if that was all they could control. And that is what I wish to control as well.
As usual, Bpd was sharing the Pacific swell with me. We watched, peacefully, for signs of the next set of waves, paddling occasionally toward what we hoped was a better launch pad. And that was when I realized that I was clothed in a neoprene wetsuit, sitting on a surfboard, wondering why I'd ever thought my life sucked. For Chrissakes, I was surfing in Southern California!
I consider myself one of the luckiest people on the face of the Earth.
I complain far more than I should. Justlittleolme gave me a CD recently to help curb our mutual anxiety problems. One of the stories from the CD that really stuck out was a recollection on the behalf of Holocaust survivors, talking about the one aspect of their lives that they could control: their attitude. Those who survived, despite all evidence to the contrary, made a very conscious decision to remain positive in the face of defeat and failure. Even if that was all they could control. And that is what I wish to control as well.
As usual, Bpd was sharing the Pacific swell with me. We watched, peacefully, for signs of the next set of waves, paddling occasionally toward what we hoped was a better launch pad. And that was when I realized that I was clothed in a neoprene wetsuit, sitting on a surfboard, wondering why I'd ever thought my life sucked. For Chrissakes, I was surfing in Southern California!
I consider myself one of the luckiest people on the face of the Earth.
My Plan? My plan is to see you!