Jesus, another belated update. Someone give me a kick up the arse. Anyways, things are so-so at the moment. Had my presentation for the uni at Loch Lomond which went well, yet the day still left me wanting to drop out due to incidents with colleagues, one of whom used to be a very close friend of mine. Still, I've decided to stick it out for the moment so we'll see how it all works out. Apart from that, I'm presenting at another conference tomorrow, this time near Warrington. Dammit.
On a lighter note, I've started attending gigs again. Woo! Caught Bill Bailey a little while back, as well as Nadja (I'll chuck the pics for that one up soon), and I'm off to see the beautiful, wonderful, spec-fucking-tacular Tori Amos tonight. I'm actually so stoked that I was having nightmares where I missed the gig.
Oh yeah, and my iPod died. And the music wasn't backed up cos I didn't have enough room for it and I'm a fuckwit. Still, I have a new hard drive ordered so hopefully that'll get here soon.
Finally, Toronto on Saturday! Hells yeah.
Love & smooches
On a lighter note, I've started attending gigs again. Woo! Caught Bill Bailey a little while back, as well as Nadja (I'll chuck the pics for that one up soon), and I'm off to see the beautiful, wonderful, spec-fucking-tacular Tori Amos tonight. I'm actually so stoked that I was having nightmares where I missed the gig.
Oh yeah, and my iPod died. And the music wasn't backed up cos I didn't have enough room for it and I'm a fuckwit. Still, I have a new hard drive ordered so hopefully that'll get here soon.
Finally, Toronto on Saturday! Hells yeah.
Love & smooches

good to hear that all is (or at least was!) well with you.
hope Toronto treated you well!