Ah, at long last I return. I just got home last night and I have come to the conclusion that Gatwick airport is Helvete on Earth. My flight was delayed, then queued up on the runway. Then my bus to the train station was late in leaving so I missed my last train, the next train to anywhere near me was cancelled and I had to get a coach instead. Still, I got home eventually and all is good.
I apologise because bitching and moaning is not very becoming of me, especially since I've had a pretty decent week. Firstly, the time spent with Emma was awesome. We didn't do anything too special, but we went out for Thai in Horsham and bought loads of fruit at the market in Crawley, including the juiciest strawberries ever to pass my lips. That, and we ordered chinese, watched a Pink Panther movie and took a walk through the woods, which was a very good night. All in all, twas a quiet week which was just what I needed. Yeah, I'm sad. Sue me.
Secondly, I found out shortly after arriving that I had passed all my uni exams, so that's me through to my final year. Plus, I may have a job soon and I've spotted a flat near my uni which is pretty reasonably priced. Things are looking up. So hopefully, by the end of the month I'll have a job, a place to stay and a girlfriend in the same country as me. Woot!
That's all fae me. Take it easy, one and all
I apologise because bitching and moaning is not very becoming of me, especially since I've had a pretty decent week. Firstly, the time spent with Emma was awesome. We didn't do anything too special, but we went out for Thai in Horsham and bought loads of fruit at the market in Crawley, including the juiciest strawberries ever to pass my lips. That, and we ordered chinese, watched a Pink Panther movie and took a walk through the woods, which was a very good night. All in all, twas a quiet week which was just what I needed. Yeah, I'm sad. Sue me.
Secondly, I found out shortly after arriving that I had passed all my uni exams, so that's me through to my final year. Plus, I may have a job soon and I've spotted a flat near my uni which is pretty reasonably priced. Things are looking up. So hopefully, by the end of the month I'll have a job, a place to stay and a girlfriend in the same country as me. Woot!
That's all fae me. Take it easy, one and all

My neck is fucking killing me, it's so sore!!!
Girlfriends in the same country are overrated!! It's never done me any harm being separated, well, ok, not much.
Congratulations on passing your exams. Now the hard work begins.