Two months?! Fuck me!
Okay, what's been happening...first off, I went to visit a friend in Toronto, and it was fucking awesome. I feel sad for saying this but it was my first experience in a 'new' city and whilst it was initially intimidating, I settled in pretty quickly. The people there are ridiculously friendly and even the ones who aren't are still quite polite....
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Okay, what's been happening...first off, I went to visit a friend in Toronto, and it was fucking awesome. I feel sad for saying this but it was my first experience in a 'new' city and whilst it was initially intimidating, I settled in pretty quickly. The people there are ridiculously friendly and even the ones who aren't are still quite polite....
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Canadian pics
Jesus, another belated update. Someone give me a kick up the arse. Anyways, things are so-so at the moment. Had my presentation for the uni at Loch Lomond which went well, yet the day still left me wanting to drop out due to incidents with colleagues, one of whom used to be a very close friend of mine. Still, I've decided to stick it out...
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Thanks man! Enjoy Toronto! I loved it!
and I thought I was bad with updates...
good to hear that all is (or at least was!) well with you.
hope Toronto treated you well!
good to hear that all is (or at least was!) well with you.
hope Toronto treated you well!
Ah, again with the belated update. Once again, I haven't really been up to much apart from uni. Not sure if I mentioned this before, but I am now a published scientist, which is kinda fun. I feel slightly guilty as I didn't really contribute to the paper that much but it's tied in to my work so they put my name on there. Yes,...
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Why were you thinking of me??? My eyes feel weird, i don't think i like it....
How are YOU though?
How are YOU though?
hey man, it's been a are things going?
hope everything's fine!
hope everything's fine!
Yay for long overdue blogs! Woo!
I'd like to say something interesting has been happening but it's really more of the same shit. Gonna have to take the landlord to court for one. Not too happy about it but I'll hopefully get to see him squirm so maybe it'll all be worth it. Thank you all for your good wishes on that particular subject, by...
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I'd like to say something interesting has been happening but it's really more of the same shit. Gonna have to take the landlord to court for one. Not too happy about it but I'll hopefully get to see him squirm so maybe it'll all be worth it. Thank you all for your good wishes on that particular subject, by...
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plasma HF devices?? man, what you're doing is totally cool!
i'm in love with science and technology, you know. so you have all of my respect!!
i attended biotechnology degree at university, but i left, and changed field completely. But my love for science never faded!
speaking of SH origins, well, if you like the whole SH series you'll like it. There are many good points like the power to shift between the two worlds across mirrors, the pleasure to discover the origin of the "Alessa incident", huge places to explore...but i found it less frightening than other series, the alternate world is not as disturbing as in other games (especially SH2), and the main suspence factor is due the faint pocketlight that makes the game very dark. i don't like the camera fixed angle,that in some part is annoying. some mosnter are very frightening but the boss fights were too easy to me. i hate when strong enemies play dumb. anyway, i don't think you'll regret playing it, unless you do that alone in the middle of the night.
i'm in love with science and technology, you know. so you have all of my respect!!
i attended biotechnology degree at university, but i left, and changed field completely. But my love for science never faded!
speaking of SH origins, well, if you like the whole SH series you'll like it. There are many good points like the power to shift between the two worlds across mirrors, the pleasure to discover the origin of the "Alessa incident", huge places to explore...but i found it less frightening than other series, the alternate world is not as disturbing as in other games (especially SH2), and the main suspence factor is due the faint pocketlight that makes the game very dark. i don't like the camera fixed angle,that in some part is annoying. some mosnter are very frightening but the boss fights were too easy to me. i hate when strong enemies play dumb. anyway, i don't think you'll regret playing it, unless you do that alone in the middle of the night.

Hey man, sorry about the lag! Have no fear about the presentation, I'm sure you'll handle it just fine... though it does feel funny sometimes to end up in positions of expertise. Good for you though. Also, yes, Wolves did primarily play new stuff. I'm pretty into their new album, much more so than the previous two. Need to give it a few more listens though... have been picking up so much new stuff lately that it maybe hasn't gotten the attention is deserves. Any new music on your front?
Moroccan style
Okay, so I have now settled in to the new flat and it is awesome! Seriously, this may not seem like much but having a flat with adequate heating and good lighting is just the ticket. Even Emma's seeming a lot happier here, so hopefully this'll help her towards recovery. Only downside is that my former landlord is being a slippery fucker again and ignoring...
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Ah, you're back. Great to see you in. Already having a look through and loving your gig photos.
How was that Unearthly Trance gig? I'm a bit green with envy. I've always wanted to see them, hoping maybe they'd slip some Thralldom material into the show as well.
I hope you were able to sort the landlord too.
How was that Unearthly Trance gig? I'm a bit green with envy. I've always wanted to see them, hoping maybe they'd slip some Thralldom material into the show as well.
I hope you were able to sort the landlord too.
glad to see you back, man!
hope the landlord/flat situation has resolved itself by now for you. things are pretty good around here. seeing plenty of gigs and drinking fantastic beers...
hope the landlord/flat situation has resolved itself by now for you. things are pretty good around here. seeing plenty of gigs and drinking fantastic beers...

...and there's more!
Concert pohtos, the first of many
Okay, it seems that somebody had my account reinstated which may well be the sweetest thing anyone's done for me in ages so, whoever you are, I love you. If you want to make yourself known, give me a shout and I'll buy you a pint or give you some loving. Or both!
Anyhow, it actually feels pretty good to be back, it's nice to...
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Anyhow, it actually feels pretty good to be back, it's nice to...
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nice to see you back here...
*cough*rejoin sgs*cough*
work, 360, music, comics, alcohol. the usual?
work, 360, music, comics, alcohol. the usual?
Right, as many of you may know I have decided to leave this site. I have many reasons for this, but the short version is that I have become disillusioned with what this site has become. I will, however, say that the people I have found on the site and taken the time to know have unanimously been wonderful people. I'm still paid up until...
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RIP man (hehe) good luck with your studies!
You're back?

see you in 2010!