Orali's set went up today (Suicide Girl #300). Just you wait till I shoot the next one, it's going to be kick ass. She's all super happy and jumping off the walls now that she's out of limbo. It figures that the one day during blonde week that I have to be somewhere at 9am is the day that the set goes up and I can't get the first comment in. Where was I you ask? Helping out on a film shoot. I have 4 days of production on 3 shoots this Passover. Plus my production job for PBS, my editing job for PBS, and I have to write a paper on
Bob le flambeaur. One day in far off distant future I'll get a chance to have 8 hours of sleep in one night.
I hope everyone had a good "Jesus Died Day" and will kick back on "Jesus's Body isn't where we left it Day."
Bob le flambeaur. One day in far off distant future I'll get a chance to have 8 hours of sleep in one night.
I hope everyone had a good "Jesus Died Day" and will kick back on "Jesus's Body isn't where we left it Day."
So yeah, can't wait for the movie and the tattoo picture!