the damn cable thing that connects both my computers decided to just stop working the other day. Got it up and running again. Sorry for the delay in messages and if you have ordered something on ebay.
You know there are two types of people in this word, those who get it and those who don't. Then of course there is the small percentage that are too wasted all the time to get the fricking hint.
Not saying it wasen't fun the first time around, but I don't need to step in crap twice to know that it stinks.
hey baby. I hear u like cowboys. You can ride my bull anytime gorgeous.
oh lordy.
No pic or myspace link. well, at least they are not asking for donations in the name of jesus, forbidding me to sell certain things on ebay or being dead beat non paying ebayers.
o.k. so is everyone meeting over at the Independent this Wednesday or is it Grumpy's? Either one is fine.Let me know. I'm having touble posting in the SGTC group.
I hope grumpy's, I like it better and I am planning on being there. I will be in town most the day looking for a place to live, so hope to see you then.
took part of the day off and went shopping. Actually bought stuff for myself. Looked everywhere for a simple pair of black heels but had no luck what so ever. Marshall Fields is now Macy's and it sucks. I went to the perfume counter and asked for what I wear and the lady bitched me out for it and told me I should have bought... Read More
hahaha, yeah that would work. I've been wearing the same perfume since I was 16, Carolina Hererra and she knows that. I'll just go and sample all the one that smell like fruit so if I smell weird at least I will smell like a fruit salad.
I have to go and buy some MAC today, I'll be sure to send one of the girls to pick me up something from the counter and have them ring it up so the bitch doesn't get the commision.
Grumpy's is now a Wednesday thing, from what I know. I like it better then Indepencance because the tater tots are great. Not as crowded and easier to be able to talk to people.
So Macy's is having an open call for designers this coming Wednesday. The people who put on DIVA MN called me about it.It is for ready to wear and accessories. I'm planning on going, may as well pimp my stuff out, at least for exposure.
My buyer in Austrailia told me that I just got a second write up about my items. Guess my items... Read More