I want to tell that soi de chile a country full of injustice and lack of opportunities, who lived in a poor and high crime where there is no good education, and Are great lack of opportunities for the poor, where there is hunger, and violence drug trafficking by the youth of my country are struggling to get free education, so we can be professional and have a better quality of life, the vulnerable people have fighting spirit and we've been over a year protesting against the government to be benefited the poor, so that the poor girl was not Deny the fact the right to education because they have no money, and for children to drink milk, trizte mui is a reality of which I have fought hard to get out and write them wanted to show that to suicide girls because my family in Latin America Are people suffering and I wanted to humbly take my blog to show you my reality and that soi aware and sensitive to the problems of poor people I lived in a poor neighborhood and was not ashamed. because every day I struggle against adversity.
tais suicide.

tais suicide.

si!!! viva Tias y Chile!!