I sent naughty pics to an ex today, just because I could. Web cam pics never turn out the best, though... they always look kinda blue-tinged.
Moving isn't happening as soon as planned, my mother was going to help me move, but shes snowed in up in oregon. San Francisco may have to wait another week. Fuck, I was really looking forward to getting out of here...
My brother threw me a going away party tonight, dinner at a sushi place. It was awesome... he even invited two of his exs, because he knows theyre good friends of mine. I felt loved.
When I get to SF I need to find a good babysitter to watch my son while I'm in class.... My friend says she'll have her dad (a cop) run back ground checks on anyone I consider hiring. That'll give me some piece of mind. Maybe I should get a nanny cam...
Pic I sent my ex...

Moving isn't happening as soon as planned, my mother was going to help me move, but shes snowed in up in oregon. San Francisco may have to wait another week. Fuck, I was really looking forward to getting out of here...
My brother threw me a going away party tonight, dinner at a sushi place. It was awesome... he even invited two of his exs, because he knows theyre good friends of mine. I felt loved.
When I get to SF I need to find a good babysitter to watch my son while I'm in class.... My friend says she'll have her dad (a cop) run back ground checks on anyone I consider hiring. That'll give me some piece of mind. Maybe I should get a nanny cam...
Pic I sent my ex...

Hah, awesome