So, the best dance club in Eureka (Club West) got sold, and now it's club indigo, with new owners. I went there once since it got its new owners, and its nothing like it was before. It sucks, I mean, the drinks are better, the music is just as good, but the atmosphere has changed. It used to be gay friendly and woman friendly, but now it doesn't seem like a safe place for either. My friend got gropped against her will on the dance floor by a large group of guys... I would have had the same problem, but I was more forceful about pushing guys off me when they tried to grab me. And another girl got figered against her will on the dance floor. A lot of girls are afraid to make a scene or make guys not like them, so they're passive about it and wind up getting messed with in ways they didn't want. And the bouncers look the other way. I get so pissed that people think it's okay to violate women just because they're in short skirts, and even more pissed that the new owners are creating an envoroment that promotes this kind of behavior. Someones gonna get raped, if they haven't already.
Sorry to be a downer, I'm just pissed. Sex is great, action on the dance floor is great too, but if shits not consensual it shouldnt be happening. Too bad its the only dance club in town, so girls will just keep throwing their money down, silently condoning the shit that goes on there.
Sorry to be a downer, I'm just pissed. Sex is great, action on the dance floor is great too, but if shits not consensual it shouldnt be happening. Too bad its the only dance club in town, so girls will just keep throwing their money down, silently condoning the shit that goes on there.