This is my first year on my own for Thanksgiving. Its weird not waking up to the smell of turkey haha. Anyway, I am thankful for so many things this year. For my amazing family who supports and backs me up no matter what. For my friends back home who have my back even though I'm over 1,000 miles away from them. For the new friends I've made here in Florida. And last but definitely not least for my SG family. I can not express how thankful I am to have all of you supporting me. When I'm having a crappy day, I come onto here and I am instantly cheered up. When I feel down about myself, you tell me there is no reason to feel that way. It's so nice to have people to lift me up when i feel down.This community is wonderful. This time last year, I was just a member with very high hopes of becoming an SG. This year I am a hopeful and one step closer to my dream. Thank you guys so freaking much for everything. I wouldn't be here without ya's. I love you all, happy Thanksgiving! 😘😘❤
How was your first Thanksgiving on your own?
Wonderful! I was still surrounded by loved ones plus I haven't eaten that much in forever hahaha. @tali79