Thing's I want to do in my life.
1. Move to Minneapolis
2. Work in a recording studio
3. Punch Pat Robertson, Billy Corgan, Rivers Cuomo
4. Finish this semester on the dean's list
5. Create my own band and take it in a thousand direction, ala the Eels
6. Sell my car
7. Stop being a jackass
8. Get married
9. Finally cross the line to become a sucess instead of a failure
11. Be on the covers of Time and Newsweek in the same week for something that isn't evil or bad
12. Club a baby seal to find out what the big deal is
13. Be clever
14. Lose another 50 pounds
15. Have Labor Day off in any job I have from here on out
So what sound do you make when you go head over heels?
1. Move to Minneapolis
2. Work in a recording studio
3. Punch Pat Robertson, Billy Corgan, Rivers Cuomo
4. Finish this semester on the dean's list
5. Create my own band and take it in a thousand direction, ala the Eels
6. Sell my car
7. Stop being a jackass
8. Get married
9. Finally cross the line to become a sucess instead of a failure
11. Be on the covers of Time and Newsweek in the same week for something that isn't evil or bad
12. Club a baby seal to find out what the big deal is
13. Be clever
14. Lose another 50 pounds
15. Have Labor Day off in any job I have from here on out
So what sound do you make when you go head over heels?
i make an "ayee!" sound when i'm sober, a grunt when i'm drunk. and an unintentional retching noise if i'm too drunk.