so anyone who reads this knows that i've had quite a bit of a problem with my back recently. It's been going on since October, actually, when i was doing some farm-work for some extra cash. I've seen three chriopractors and nothing multiple times and nothing seems to work.
I go in on Friday to get x-rays and an MRI to see if i do in fact have a herniated disc. All signs point to it and i have several bad things happening back there at the same time in conjunction with it. We're looking at a 90/10 chance of surgery with lots of physical therepy afterwards.
But of course there is a silver-lining to this, perhaps i can be part of the back-vagina club like Neodrunk.
I'm in a very interesting place mentally at the moment. However, Niobe, I finished burning your cds but I haven't had a chance to get it mailed due to my doctor's appointments and the ass-kickings i've been getting from the chiro. Soon...
also, aparently a picture of me from my st patrick's day DOES exist. I look so pretty when i'm wrapped up in green.

so anyone who reads this knows that i've had quite a bit of a problem with my back recently. It's been going on since October, actually, when i was doing some farm-work for some extra cash. I've seen three chriopractors and nothing multiple times and nothing seems to work.
I go in on Friday to get x-rays and an MRI to see if i do in fact have a herniated disc. All signs point to it and i have several bad things happening back there at the same time in conjunction with it. We're looking at a 90/10 chance of surgery with lots of physical therepy afterwards.
But of course there is a silver-lining to this, perhaps i can be part of the back-vagina club like Neodrunk.
I'm in a very interesting place mentally at the moment. However, Niobe, I finished burning your cds but I haven't had a chance to get it mailed due to my doctor's appointments and the ass-kickings i've been getting from the chiro. Soon...
also, aparently a picture of me from my st patrick's day DOES exist. I look so pretty when i'm wrapped up in green.

I hope your back feels better.