haven't posted for a few days. Apologies, i'd like to say i've been busy and haven't had time but that would be a pretty big lie. I really haven't done much this week besides watch tv, type, and watch a movie with Cass. I worked today, watched a couple of fights. i really don't like driving on snow and ice. I'm good at it and i know what i'm doing, but my car doesn't have great traction so it manages to fish-tail more than i'd like.
More Blogs
Thursday Jan 05, 2006
i have all my stuff together. i probably should have brought it do… -
Thursday Dec 29, 2005
i'm still around. i've been drinking with Cipher and Erin for most o… -
Monday Dec 19, 2005
a good time so far in grand forks, although today was spent taking ca… -
Sunday Dec 18, 2005
derp drunk figured out plan to move goddamn i'm drunk new… -
Wednesday Dec 14, 2005
So because of Christmas break, she and i are going to attempt to resu… -
Tuesday Dec 13, 2005
so, brook and i are done. just figured i'd start with that and move f… -
Saturday Dec 10, 2005
As i entered the office and asked for the sheet of paper, i heard a c… -
Tuesday Dec 06, 2005
"so why didn't you say anything to me about this before?" sentance… -
Sunday Dec 04, 2005
Couple of quick things before I get into one of the most interesting … -
Thursday Dec 01, 2005
when did promise rings become important? did i miss a day of class or…