So there I was...
It's been an interesting time here at Lake Wobagon. Or, failing that, it's been a really stressful time for me again in VC. Lots of familar characters, lots of smoking, and lots of mornings where I wake up to put on my shoes and they're still warm. I haven't really updated a lot lately because the news has been so repetitive. I'm stressed out with the recording studio but since I started offically smoking again things are a little easier to deal with. It's usually this time of year I start smoking again anyway so it's not any huge deal.
Speaking of smoking, the student senate here is trying to ban smoking outright on campus. I'll be speaking in-front of them tomorrow to present a few ideas to them, and to verbally bitch-slap them. There are maybe 25-35 smokers on campus, this isn't a problem. And looking at the results of the survey sent out to the students, they don't see it as one either. Should be an interesting time, as I haven't stood up for a cause of sorts in quite some time in front of a body that does important (or thinks it does important) shit. I had to pick a cause, and it was smoking. There's something wrong about that, methinks.
Went to Bismarck this weekend for a men's choir thing. Had an interesting time, and rocked the performance. Found a video (large size) of Frank Zappa and John Lennon on stage doing a couple of songs. It rocks my socks. Now i'm mastering a recording of a show i recorded yesterday that'll be played on North Dakota Public Radio. Women are still crazy and hard to understand, though my situation is always changing. I should have a news-ticker up somewhere.
It's been an interesting time here at Lake Wobagon. Or, failing that, it's been a really stressful time for me again in VC. Lots of familar characters, lots of smoking, and lots of mornings where I wake up to put on my shoes and they're still warm. I haven't really updated a lot lately because the news has been so repetitive. I'm stressed out with the recording studio but since I started offically smoking again things are a little easier to deal with. It's usually this time of year I start smoking again anyway so it's not any huge deal.
Speaking of smoking, the student senate here is trying to ban smoking outright on campus. I'll be speaking in-front of them tomorrow to present a few ideas to them, and to verbally bitch-slap them. There are maybe 25-35 smokers on campus, this isn't a problem. And looking at the results of the survey sent out to the students, they don't see it as one either. Should be an interesting time, as I haven't stood up for a cause of sorts in quite some time in front of a body that does important (or thinks it does important) shit. I had to pick a cause, and it was smoking. There's something wrong about that, methinks.
Went to Bismarck this weekend for a men's choir thing. Had an interesting time, and rocked the performance. Found a video (large size) of Frank Zappa and John Lennon on stage doing a couple of songs. It rocks my socks. Now i'm mastering a recording of a show i recorded yesterday that'll be played on North Dakota Public Radio. Women are still crazy and hard to understand, though my situation is always changing. I should have a news-ticker up somewhere.
Happy V-Day.
Happy Valentine's Day!