The first rule of comic-book fight club is...
Overall, i had a great break in grand forks. for all i bitch about home, it really was nice for quite some time. it did annoy me, however, how much i ended up drinking. part of that is my fault and part of that involves the group i hang out with. That's really all i want to spend on that aspect of my life.
Got a car and new glasses from my parents (though the car was really something i helped pay for and was promised a while back). This year was a horrible christmas for people buying me clothes. I got some of the most gaudy (i think that's how you spell that) shirts i've ever seen in my life. I know i'm fat, but there has to be more of a variety than that. a mustard-yellow long-sleeve shirt? a red crappy looking turtle-neck? a cosby sweater? at least the glasses look good.
I'm kind-of working again. I'm judging speech and debate for the high school here. Worked yesterday in jamestown, work next week friday and saturday at Red River High School in Grand Forks. Ye Olde Stompinge Groundes or something like that. Anywho, i'm all about pay-checks as drinking in GF drained my bank-account considerably. I'm trying to organize a little something-something friday or saturday night. Msn-me for details. It's been far too long since I played beer-pong.
i'm annoyed with the female gender again, but that shouldn't come as any surprise. girl likes guy, guy likes girl. they 'hook-up' and decide to date, only to decide later to wait until break starts to really date. guy puts no stock in getting back together, until they talk and text each other an excessive amount over three weeks. guy begins thinking something may actually happen, girl started dating other guy because 'he was available, and original guy was not'. guy broods for an evening listening to an unhealthy amount of sad radiohead. guy also spends FAR too much time reading up on and listening to Frank Zappa.
my school schedule is more fucked up than i could have ever expected. no classes before noon, and even that is a choir. M-W-F i have choir at noon, then at 3 i have the upper-choir or whatever. on wednesdays at 5 i have voice lessons. Tuesdays and Thursdays i have intro to marketing at 12:35, then band practice at 3 til whenever. Fridays i only have the one choir at noon. But i'm running the recording studio (3 credits), taking an online class (3 credits), running sound and lights for a musical in a month or so (3 credits), and i'm in garage band (technically two bands). Ah the life of a music major...
...and an insomniac, as i don't actually have to be up and doing anything until noon on both days. i could just develop an expensive coke-addiction as a hobby. I'd meet new people AND spend my fin-aid on something other than books. I also have to decide whether or not to join the rest of the big-choir and go to Europe with them sometime this semester. I dispise (not a fear, mind you. i just fucking hate it. try flying out of West Virginia on a matchbox plane and walk away happy) flying enough not to go, unless they're willing to slip me enough pills to sedate and strap me to the seats. Maybe some of the pills they gave me for my last MRI, making me completely forget about my closterphobia. That was the good shit...
some days i find myself amused by myself much more than other people are. it's either the sign of genius or madness... *cheers* here's looking at you, kid!
I hate getting clothing as gifts , it either never fits or is something even a bum wouldn't wear