I against I
Bah Humbug, I'm sick.... luckily right now, it's no more than a cold/cough/overall body blahness. But I can't stop falling asleep. Damn, DayQuil is some good stuff. Non-drowsy my ass! (2 Tbsp is roughly equivalent to about 5 cups, right? I'm so bad with conversions...) I really should get some NyQuil as I prefer the industrial-strength option. Just shoot it directly into my veins. Oh yeah baby, that's the stuff.
And so much I have to do before I leave for L.A. on the 30th (for a three month pit stop):
-Start/finish the final recording of the album (yes I am the world's biggest procrastinator)
-Mix it down
-Try my hardest to get it mastered with Paul Stubblebine (the guy who did the Velvet Teen records) while I'm here
-Write/record music for outthere's "shelter" art show.
-Go through 50 milllion pieces of mail and receipts and organize that shit (I needed to do it anyway, but now especially, because I'm looking for my 2003 tax return so I can locate one figure, the AGI, so H&R Block can e-file my return)
-Pack (grrr)
-Move stuff into storage (grrr)
-and the regular daily chores....
Not the greatest time to get sick. My sinuses better clear up by the time I'm ready to record final vocals, otherwise it's all over...
[ADDENDUM: you remember that episode of the Simpsons where Homer skateboards off a cliff, and then the ambulance comes to take him away only to accidentally drop him off the cliff again? That's kind of what it's like to have a cold, then have the wind pick-up and kick-start your allergies. That's right God...kick me when I'm down...you sadistic son-of-a-bitch!]
Bah Humbug, I'm sick.... luckily right now, it's no more than a cold/cough/overall body blahness. But I can't stop falling asleep. Damn, DayQuil is some good stuff. Non-drowsy my ass! (2 Tbsp is roughly equivalent to about 5 cups, right? I'm so bad with conversions...) I really should get some NyQuil as I prefer the industrial-strength option. Just shoot it directly into my veins. Oh yeah baby, that's the stuff.
And so much I have to do before I leave for L.A. on the 30th (for a three month pit stop):
-Start/finish the final recording of the album (yes I am the world's biggest procrastinator)
-Mix it down
-Try my hardest to get it mastered with Paul Stubblebine (the guy who did the Velvet Teen records) while I'm here
-Write/record music for outthere's "shelter" art show.
-Go through 50 milllion pieces of mail and receipts and organize that shit (I needed to do it anyway, but now especially, because I'm looking for my 2003 tax return so I can locate one figure, the AGI, so H&R Block can e-file my return)
-Pack (grrr)
-Move stuff into storage (grrr)
-and the regular daily chores....
Not the greatest time to get sick. My sinuses better clear up by the time I'm ready to record final vocals, otherwise it's all over...
[ADDENDUM: you remember that episode of the Simpsons where Homer skateboards off a cliff, and then the ambulance comes to take him away only to accidentally drop him off the cliff again? That's kind of what it's like to have a cold, then have the wind pick-up and kick-start your allergies. That's right God...kick me when I'm down...you sadistic son-of-a-bitch!]


This literally made me laugh out loud. You're seriously one of the very few people who can do that.