Emery 66
... is the name of my recording studio in Emeryville, CA
And I am theSpotlessMind, a procrastinating ass-hat, who left a high-paying programming job, with the intent of using that $300-a-month studio, full of high-end recording equipment, to record two albums worth of new material -- which would hopefully go on to amass a ton of money and a large and loyal following beyond my wildest dreams -- giving me the ability to work a job doing something I love -- traveling the world and making music, instead of one that I loathe -- slowly turning into a robot by writing code everyday, removed from the company of all carbon-based life forms.
But 4 months into my sabbatical, what will you find me doing instead of going to the studio to record that guitar overdub or practice that vocal harmony or drum pattern? I'm sprawled out on the couch, eating pizza, and watching a Seinfeld episode that I've seen 50 thousand times before in syndication! (The Soup Nazi still says "no soup for you" the 80th time you see it! It's not like in the 81st episode he starts saying "come and get some soup motherfuckers")
Not to mention, I'm getting fatter by the fucking millisecond, while the "stationary" bike in the corner lives up to its name, even though it doubles as a marvelous $200 coat rack for my beat up old $5 jacket, which gets me to thinking:
"God, I really need a new jacket"
"But I don't have any money"
"What could I possibly do to try and make a lot of money?"
"Oh.... right.... that....."
Can anyone say "stupid lazy fuck"???
Currently listening to: Flock of Seagulls

... is the name of my recording studio in Emeryville, CA
And I am theSpotlessMind, a procrastinating ass-hat, who left a high-paying programming job, with the intent of using that $300-a-month studio, full of high-end recording equipment, to record two albums worth of new material -- which would hopefully go on to amass a ton of money and a large and loyal following beyond my wildest dreams -- giving me the ability to work a job doing something I love -- traveling the world and making music, instead of one that I loathe -- slowly turning into a robot by writing code everyday, removed from the company of all carbon-based life forms.
But 4 months into my sabbatical, what will you find me doing instead of going to the studio to record that guitar overdub or practice that vocal harmony or drum pattern? I'm sprawled out on the couch, eating pizza, and watching a Seinfeld episode that I've seen 50 thousand times before in syndication! (The Soup Nazi still says "no soup for you" the 80th time you see it! It's not like in the 81st episode he starts saying "come and get some soup motherfuckers")
Not to mention, I'm getting fatter by the fucking millisecond, while the "stationary" bike in the corner lives up to its name, even though it doubles as a marvelous $200 coat rack for my beat up old $5 jacket, which gets me to thinking:
"God, I really need a new jacket"
"But I don't have any money"
"What could I possibly do to try and make a lot of money?"
"Oh.... right.... that....."
Can anyone say "stupid lazy fuck"???
Currently listening to: Flock of Seagulls

Stay in there brotha man. Keep that head up. Put down that pizza down and pick up a guitar. Stop laying on the couch and sit yourself down behind your kit. Scrub all your faults, erase the unnecessary tracks, and compress that spotless mind. There is a person who's waiting to be changed by your music.