I'm Stupid
Fuck. So I had planned to go to the Secret Machines show at the Independent tonight. If that didn't pan out, then the Chez Paree. But I got all lazy and conservative with my money last minute (since I'm unemployed) and decided to get some work done on the album instead. Then a friend calls me up out of the blue for Ethiopian food. I give in, just because the restaurant is within walking distance of my apartment and i gotta eat. We end up dining, then going to the bar next door. So, stupid me, like I'm made of money or something, end up dropping close to $20 on dinner and another $12 on drinks. Fuck. I did exactly what I tried not to do -- spend money. In hindsight, I could have been either at the Independent or the Chez Paree tonight for the amount of money that I spent. Not to say it wasn't a good meal or it wasn't good company. I just hate when money has a mind of its own and does what it wants to do as opposed to what you want it to do. Oh well....
Anyway, as it turns out, my friend wants to start a clown sex site. Apparently there aren't any (or enough) clown sex sites on the web. So maybe I'll help him out with building the site if it looks like there's money to be made. But honestly, I wonder how many people are really into clown sex? I mean, does this turn you on? Frankly, it frightens the fuck out of me!

Fuck. So I had planned to go to the Secret Machines show at the Independent tonight. If that didn't pan out, then the Chez Paree. But I got all lazy and conservative with my money last minute (since I'm unemployed) and decided to get some work done on the album instead. Then a friend calls me up out of the blue for Ethiopian food. I give in, just because the restaurant is within walking distance of my apartment and i gotta eat. We end up dining, then going to the bar next door. So, stupid me, like I'm made of money or something, end up dropping close to $20 on dinner and another $12 on drinks. Fuck. I did exactly what I tried not to do -- spend money. In hindsight, I could have been either at the Independent or the Chez Paree tonight for the amount of money that I spent. Not to say it wasn't a good meal or it wasn't good company. I just hate when money has a mind of its own and does what it wants to do as opposed to what you want it to do. Oh well....
Anyway, as it turns out, my friend wants to start a clown sex site. Apparently there aren't any (or enough) clown sex sites on the web. So maybe I'll help him out with building the site if it looks like there's money to be made. But honestly, I wonder how many people are really into clown sex? I mean, does this turn you on? Frankly, it frightens the fuck out of me!

I hope my contribution to your rather intriguing thread and
topic didn't help kill it.
I always dig reading your comments when I come across them.
Oh and as for your journal reference to
clown porn...
ha ha
There's actually an SG on my friends' list and in real Life
who's rather prominent on a very popular Clown site
based up northwest wise.
she's shown me her ..er..
oevre and it's nutty!
To each his own I suppose!