Okay, yet another update on the mess that is my life. I've managed to make a whopping zero progress in the employment department, but continuing social and financial pressure dictate the demise of this trend. Time and time again I've been told that the planning and execution of goals is essential to achieving the things you want in life, so I have sat down and scribbled up some preliminary stuff. The plan thus far goes as follows:
1) Procure employment (I'll take anything at this point, but I'm still not thrilled with the prospect of minimum wage)
2) Move out ($200 bucks/mo is a very reasonable amount)
3) Save up $5k or so
4) Move to Lakewood, Colorado
5) Enroll in the Colorado School of Trades
It's a simple plan for sure, but I've found it is generally best to follow the KISS principle (Keep It Simple, Stupid). This will get me back on track with my education and toss me out into the workforce doing something that excites and fulfills me.
In other news, my good friend Ben is back in town for the week. For those not in the know (read: pretty much anybody reading this), Ben is my best friend from high school who currently resides on the other side of the continental United States. In short, it's good to see him again. The rumor mill indicates he should be moving back to this neck of the woods sometime circa spring of next year. Not fast enough.
If you actually read all that I apologize for it's lack of entertainment value and I commend your tenacity for making it all the way through, even if it was in the name of boredom. Nick out.
1) Procure employment (I'll take anything at this point, but I'm still not thrilled with the prospect of minimum wage)
2) Move out ($200 bucks/mo is a very reasonable amount)
3) Save up $5k or so
4) Move to Lakewood, Colorado
5) Enroll in the Colorado School of Trades
It's a simple plan for sure, but I've found it is generally best to follow the KISS principle (Keep It Simple, Stupid). This will get me back on track with my education and toss me out into the workforce doing something that excites and fulfills me.
In other news, my good friend Ben is back in town for the week. For those not in the know (read: pretty much anybody reading this), Ben is my best friend from high school who currently resides on the other side of the continental United States. In short, it's good to see him again. The rumor mill indicates he should be moving back to this neck of the woods sometime circa spring of next year. Not fast enough.
If you actually read all that I apologize for it's lack of entertainment value and I commend your tenacity for making it all the way through, even if it was in the name of boredom. Nick out.