My birthday is coming up. My boyfriend asked me what I wanted, and I thought about it genuinely. First I thought about books. Honestly, that was my first thought. Then I thought maybe we should go see a movie together. He said not to limit my ideas because I don't have a job at the moment and am searching. So I thought some more, and decided "hey, why not use a b-day gift as an excuse to finally get a piercing I've been wanting?" So I debated between a nose piercing and a bellybutton piercing. A bunch of my friends suggest nose first, because it heals quicker than the bellybutton, and it hurts less.
Any thoughts?
I should've asked for a girlfriend. But I think that would be one of those presents that he wouldn't mind getting for me but it's just not really all that possible. It'd be nice though. ^_~
Any thoughts?
I should've asked for a girlfriend. But I think that would be one of those presents that he wouldn't mind getting for me but it's just not really all that possible. It'd be nice though. ^_~