#1 my job ends in march. if you hear of anything available, let me know.
#2 school sucks.
#3 i am busy yet unproductive with my bellydance career, as i'll call it.
#4 yes! i want to see all of you, all of my friends, and text and call and hang out! but you can only spread butter so thin. (i'm the butter, i guess.)...
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#2 school sucks.
#3 i am busy yet unproductive with my bellydance career, as i'll call it.
#4 yes! i want to see all of you, all of my friends, and text and call and hang out! but you can only spread butter so thin. (i'm the butter, i guess.)...
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"cream of angree soup"
i love that lolcat caption, by the way. ferrets are awesome, don't you forget it. if you are down here where i live, and you haven't come by the kiwani's medieval faire yet, you DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE MISSING! it has been nothing but laughs and sunburns all day. people drinking, people vending, the lovely ascention tribe dancing to the...
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i love that lolcat caption, by the way. ferrets are awesome, don't you forget it. if you are down here where i live, and you haven't come by the kiwani's medieval faire yet, you DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE MISSING! it has been nothing but laughs and sunburns all day. people drinking, people vending, the lovely ascention tribe dancing to the...
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im here, what else do you want?
WHAT?!? you want my soul?!? well, i suppose that's about right for the price of college classes. hooray. the system sucks.
i'm writing in between classes because i have nothing else to do. i don't have the right loan amount to buy books for my classes... hopefully my professors will have some semblance of mercy. good luck with...
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WHAT?!? you want my soul?!? well, i suppose that's about right for the price of college classes. hooray. the system sucks.
i'm writing in between classes because i have nothing else to do. i don't have the right loan amount to buy books for my classes... hopefully my professors will have some semblance of mercy. good luck with...
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hey, i'm writing a blog! *points to nowhere* yeah, i wanted to write something, but heck if i know what i want to write. i got to see some friends despite my horrendous schedule. work, college, bellydance, chorus, boyfriend, family, friends, gym, yoga.. aaaaaaaaaugh. *frazzled* it's a good thing college is over for the semester. now i can breathe for at least an hour.
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so piratefest was a success. ^_^ very happy with it, and glad to have a little bit of extra cash. and a very valuable lesson was learned: i can balance a bo staff on my head. XD
i wandered zombicon in downtown fort myers to see what it was like. maybe next year i will attend a little longer than a simple run-through. it was...
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i wandered zombicon in downtown fort myers to see what it was like. maybe next year i will attend a little longer than a simple run-through. it was...
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whaddja gonna be for halloween? :3
heehee. i was a mafia moll.... pinstripes, high-heel black and white shoes, the fishnet stockings with the seam up the back, my hair in a bun with the two face curls. ^____^
i won sexiest costume. :3
i won sexiest costume. :3
Saturday, September 27, 2008
just a day. another day.
Current mood: nostalgic
first of all, i'd like to start out with the fact that there's 14 days til piratefest! for those of you who don't know, octover 11th and 12th on fort myers beach. beee there!!!!
second, i'd like to say i'm doing better. i had my crying. there will be more....
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Saturday, September 27, 2008
just a day. another day.
Current mood: nostalgic
first of all, i'd like to start out with the fact that there's 14 days til piratefest! for those of you who don't know, octover 11th and 12th on fort myers beach. beee there!!!!
second, i'd like to say i'm doing better. i had my crying. there will be more....
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mine and my boyfriend live with a family here in naples. one of their three sons passed away this morning. it was suicide. though he was about to pull the gun away. it was a hair-trigger, slightest movement set it off. i think the gun went off by accident.
this is a rough week.
this is a rough week.
That is absolutely horrible. I wish you all the best of luck with getting through it. I really hate guns.
Ooh, that is awesome. I want a t-shirt like that!!
i regret to say that this entry isn't a happy one. i attended a funeral today. Ashley Holloway. she was a friend of mine, whom i've known since elementary school. she passed away in her sleep, leaving behind a her one-year-old daughter, Aubrey Jade Holloway, and her soulmate Chris. this is the second friend, my age, who has died. in the past year, Ashley Bieda...
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I'm sorry for your loss. I agree completely. Sometimes the words have to be harsh to let out the truth.
i have a bodhran! ^_____^
here's from my myspace blog:
"tribal nimbus (the dance troupe i'm a member of) is being disbanded. maybe it'll get back to existence, but for now it's on hold. too many complications, financial issues, travel issues, etc. if there are details wanted, perhaps i will give them, perhaps not. it's a sticky issue. i will keep dancing, and i am still gonna go to piratefest,...
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"tribal nimbus (the dance troupe i'm a member of) is being disbanded. maybe it'll get back to existence, but for now it's on hold. too many complications, financial issues, travel issues, etc. if there are details wanted, perhaps i will give them, perhaps not. it's a sticky issue. i will keep dancing, and i am still gonna go to piratefest,...
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i wish i was at pennsic.
on another note, i've got some good bellydance pics and i've got a vid coming, possibly. just gotta wait till they're printed and copied and such. i also had a successful performance with my troupe. *woot* mine and angela's performance was to tori amos's "cruel". we're tribal fusion, afterall. ^_^ i felt so good about myself. and that's a...
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on another note, i've got some good bellydance pics and i've got a vid coming, possibly. just gotta wait till they're printed and copied and such. i also had a successful performance with my troupe. *woot* mine and angela's performance was to tori amos's "cruel". we're tribal fusion, afterall. ^_^ i felt so good about myself. and that's a...
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my job started! yay!
it's amazing how some people think if you're into magic you're a satan worshipper. *dies*
oh well. tough luck and their loss. XD
i have a dance performance saturday! <3
it's amazing how some people think if you're into magic you're a satan worshipper. *dies*
oh well. tough luck and their loss. XD
i have a dance performance saturday! <3
i hate how sometimes people think that anything generally relating to body modification makes you a satan worshipper. it's like.. wtf?!
i have a friend, used to work with me, and he got a tattoo on the back of his arm (above the elbow) of an anchor with a banner that says "erin go brach". a coworker saw it and was like, "what's that on your arm? what are you? some kind of satanist?"
i have a friend, used to work with me, and he got a tattoo on the back of his arm (above the elbow) of an anchor with a banner that says "erin go brach". a coworker saw it and was like, "what's that on your arm? what are you? some kind of satanist?"