finals time in the
2010 Ronald Reagan Memorial Villain Invitational Tournament!
the winners moving on to the finals...
Ozymandias trounces Bill the Butcher
Hannibal Lector edges O-Ren Ishii
and in the mini-tourney...
Sylar crushes Magneto
Samara slips past Pyramid Head
and with that we move on to the finals and that means some big matches in addition to our two finals!
rules are same as always!
1. you pick the winner of the fight
2. no weapons allowed, just fists and wits
1. Battle of the (worst) Bands (ever)
Insane Clown Posse vs. Dave Matthews Band
SPOILERS! (Click to view)ICP

these guys are atrocious but there is something worse. their fans. ICP think they are thugs and even if they arent, that mentality might help.
Dave Matthews Band

granted these guys have a 5-2 man advantage, but they are also hippies and hippies dont know how to fight so it might be pretty even.
2. The Beast - Kung Fu Hustle vs. Sho'nuff - The Last Dragon
SPOILERS! (Click to view)The Beast

he may not look like much but he is a master at what he does.

most villains are motivated by something. money, power...this guy is just a dick who goes around picking fights with people. thats fucked up.
3. The Four Horsemen - The Bible vs. The 4 Horsemen - NWA
SPOILERS! (Click to view)The Four Horsemen

War, Famine, Pestilence and Death. 4 cats you really dont want to get on the bad side of.
The 4 Horsemen

Ric Flair, Arn Anderson, Ole Anderson and Tully Blanchard (and their manager JJ Dillon). 4 cats you really dont want to get on the bad side of.
4. Chess Match
HAL 9000 - 2001 A Space Odyssey vs. Skynet - Terminator series
let me say this. for years ive wanted to put HAL in the tournament in some way. hes always been one of my favorite villains but lacking a body made this difficult. then it came to me. chess match. he can compete albeit in a different format. so remember. this ISNT a fight. its a chess match.
SPOILERS! (Click to view)HAL 9000

HAL knows his chess. he can play a match and win, all while plotting the death of the crew.

okay, so i couldnt find a picture. fuck it. we never see Skynet show its talent in chess, but you gotta figure a super computer would have a fucking chess program on it.
5. The 1970's Philadelphia Flyers vs. the 1970s Oakland Raiders
SPOILERS! (Click to view)Flyers

theres a reason these guys earned the nickname, "The Broad Street Bullies." they took playing dirty and made it an art form.

some people believe the 70s raiders were a football team. this is false. they were actually a scientific experiment to determine how many pounds of pressure per square inch were required to remove a human head.
6. Strom Thurmond Old School Tournament Final
Sylar - Heroes vs. Samara - The Ring
SPOILERS! (Click to view)Sylar

he is one of the most powerful people on the planet. that makes him very very dangerous.

she may not be as super-powered as Sylar but how can you kill that which is already dead?
7. Smokey - Lost vs. Rover - The Prisoner
SPOILERS! (Click to view)Smokey

for fans of lost, we have been wondering who/what the hell this entity is for years and we still dont really know. we know his name isnt really Smokey but what the hell else do we have to work with?

for those of you who have never seen The Prisoner, i can tell you this. without it, there would be no Lost. a lot of the DNA of that show came from this show. including the inspiration for this match. they are both seemingly guardians but how will they match up?
8. 2010 Ronald Reagan Memorial Villain Invitational Tournament Final
Ozymandias - Watchmen vs. Hannibal Lector - Silence of the Lambs
SPOILERS! (Click to view)Ozymandias

he is a smart motherfucker and he can take on multiple opponents with ease but Lector is a unique case. he is much more stronger and agile than he looks and is Ozys match in wit.
Hannibal Lector

the good doctor is in his third straight RRMVIT final and can win his second title if he can get past Ozy. its a tall order but he has won the title before so we know he has it in him.
well there it is, folks. after this we are done so dont forget to vote!
DMB's first album was good and then anything after that just sucked major ass!