Hudson: Look, lets just bug out and call it even, okay? What are we talkin about his for?
Ripley: I say we take off and nuke the entire sight from orbit. Its the only way to be sure.
Burke: H-h-h-hold one second. This installation has a *substantial* dollar value attached to it.
Ripley: They can bill me!
Burke: Okay look, this is an emotional moment for all of us. Okay, I know that. But lets not make snap judgements, please. This is clearly an important species and I dont think you or I or *anybody* has the right to arbitrarily exterminate them.
Ripley: Wrong!
Vasquez: Yeah, watch us.
Hudson: Hey, maybe you havent been keeping up on current events, but we just got our a**es kicked pal!
Burke: Look, Im not blind to whats going on, but I *cannot authorize* that kind of action. Im sorry.
Ripley: Well I believe Corporal *Hicks* has has authority here.
Burke: *Corporal* Hicks has...
Ripley: This operation is under military jurisdiction, and Hicks is next in chain of command. Am I right corporal?
Hicks: Yeah. Yeah, thats right.
Burke: Yeah. Look, Ripley, this is a multi-million dollar installation, okay? He cant make that kind of decision. Hes just a grunt. <to Hicks> No offense.
Hicks: <to Burke> None taken. <into headset> Ferro, do you copy?
Ferro: Standing by.
Hicks: Prep for dust off. Were gonna need immediate evac.
Ferro: Roger. On our way.
Hicks: <to everyone> I say we take off, nuke the site from orbit. Its the only way to be sure.
Thaaaank you
lol ... Happy New Years 

yeah. i miss my old paring knives. haven't had one in years. was just eyeing them in the store. think i'll be grabbing a couple on friday. about time =P