Somehow Facebook lured me away for awhile and convinced me it was a good community. It's not. This is a much better place to hang my hat. At it's core, I think the reasons for that involve politics.
My FB stream has become an endless tirade of tea party wannabes screaming against the president and all things progressive. The conversation were abusive and discordant. I've had my share of political conversations on SG but I've never felt active malice. Usually I find myself the more conservative voice. Of course, probably the only place I'd feel that would be here. This place lands about three clicks left of MSNBC.
Really, really worried that the right is going to take back both houses and take us right back into of world where church and state are both Christian and science is only useful when it is supports your points. It is getting scary out there.
Well SG. I am back. Hope to stay awhile.

My FB stream has become an endless tirade of tea party wannabes screaming against the president and all things progressive. The conversation were abusive and discordant. I've had my share of political conversations on SG but I've never felt active malice. Usually I find myself the more conservative voice. Of course, probably the only place I'd feel that would be here. This place lands about three clicks left of MSNBC.
Really, really worried that the right is going to take back both houses and take us right back into of world where church and state are both Christian and science is only useful when it is supports your points. It is getting scary out there.
Well SG. I am back. Hope to stay awhile.

Thanks for the comment about my pictures! I'm trying to make myself a mini career out of it!