I'm back from my weekend. I had a good time, even though those few days seemed kind of rushed.
I bought a new mattress and it should arrive on Friday! No more rolling to the center of the bed because of the dip. On the downside my tax return is gone now
Firday night I saw Bridge to Teribithia. I was really good, but I didn't like the ending.
I hung out with a friend I haven't seen in awhile on saturday. I had a good time, and I showed him what a light weight I've become. I got tipsy off two pints of Guiness.
Sunday I went to a 5 year olds birthday party. It was alright, a lot smaller than previous parties of the same group. I ended up playing with legos and watching the older brother (10 or so years old) play xbox.
Last night I didn't sleep very well and I blame it all on Kelley. She gets me used to having her there and then "decides" she has to go work on Monday. Needless to say she doens't sleep over on work nights, which is good discipline, but it makes for lonely work nights.
I bought a new mattress and it should arrive on Friday! No more rolling to the center of the bed because of the dip. On the downside my tax return is gone now

Firday night I saw Bridge to Teribithia. I was really good, but I didn't like the ending.
I hung out with a friend I haven't seen in awhile on saturday. I had a good time, and I showed him what a light weight I've become. I got tipsy off two pints of Guiness.
Sunday I went to a 5 year olds birthday party. It was alright, a lot smaller than previous parties of the same group. I ended up playing with legos and watching the older brother (10 or so years old) play xbox.
Last night I didn't sleep very well and I blame it all on Kelley. She gets me used to having her there and then "decides" she has to go work on Monday. Needless to say she doens't sleep over on work nights, which is good discipline, but it makes for lonely work nights.
Damn that must have been a really old mattress.
What is that movie about?
How long had it been since you seen your friend?
I don't really like to be around many kids.
What ever! I have not had some one sleep in my bed in many years and it never really happened much when it did
i'm a lightweight too. i'd have been more than tipsy on the same amount of alcohol.