It's early yet...just got to the way I do most of everything I do on the internet at work. Mostly because I can't play video games at work, so once I go home that's what I'm doing if my girl's not around.
Regardless my cold is almost completely gone and I got everyone around me sick...even my boss. Was I really supposed to call off for those three days of Thanksgiving week?
Yesterday afternoon I spent 4 hours of work time reading web comics
. I'm terrible, but they just don't give me enough to do to keep me busy. I don't know what I'd be doing if I didn't have access to the internet at work. I'd prolly die of boredom.
In the home life I've gotten into Neverwinter Nights 2 really badly. I'm borderline addicted, but I tend to never cross that line for any games. I have too short of an attention span.
I'm hoping to get some pretty regular blog buddies on here someday
. I have a myspace and nobody ever really talks to me on there, but I think I've started off in the right direction here. You know people to talk to and give advice to and recieve advice from.
Also why isn't there a spellcheck on here? Or is there and I'm too retarded to see it?
12 minutes into work and I'm already bored.
So what can I do around here to get people to request to be my friend instead of me doing all the work to find friends? I've never been very good at seeking people out, but I'm not saying I want to be lazy.
What I look like at work!
Does anyone else play NWN2? I'm a 7th lvl wizard and in real life becoming more of a dork everyday.
By the way my myspace has a real pic of me up until I find a good couple for here.
Regardless my cold is almost completely gone and I got everyone around me sick...even my boss. Was I really supposed to call off for those three days of Thanksgiving week?
Yesterday afternoon I spent 4 hours of work time reading web comics

In the home life I've gotten into Neverwinter Nights 2 really badly. I'm borderline addicted, but I tend to never cross that line for any games. I have too short of an attention span.
I'm hoping to get some pretty regular blog buddies on here someday

Also why isn't there a spellcheck on here? Or is there and I'm too retarded to see it?
12 minutes into work and I'm already bored.
So what can I do around here to get people to request to be my friend instead of me doing all the work to find friends? I've never been very good at seeking people out, but I'm not saying I want to be lazy.
What I look like at work!

Does anyone else play NWN2? I'm a 7th lvl wizard and in real life becoming more of a dork everyday.
By the way my myspace has a real pic of me up until I find a good couple for here.
love and kisses from mexico!
you could try going to the no friends group to make some friends. i think people are all around much more commenty on here than myspace. but then, on here you already know that you have at least one thing in common with everybody else. i think that makes it at least a little bit easier to talk to people.