Good day to you all
Most of you will not find this interesting so for those that don't want to read ramblings don't click the spoiler.
I find it interesting that the democrats are celebrating as though they won some victory. What victory was won, and who benefits from it other than their own fragile little egos?
What you've done with this "deal" has extended the status quo and buried the entire country under more debt. $16.7 trillion That's the figure we have already borrowed from outside sources, not to mention what we've borrowed from ourselves. An interesting (at least from a numbers standpoint) article.
So I can not find the new number yet but it is based on projections to keep spending at the current level (AT LEAST probably more due to new programs) until February, no thought to what this is being spent on, no examining priorities, let's just continue to spend what we are now. Anyone who can get behind that is one of a few derogatory terms that could be used (ie stupid, brainless, moronic, comatose), or they are a Chinese national (as China owns most of that $16.7 trillion debt) so they can justifiably be very excited.
The democrats have also been quick to point the finger at the republicans saying that they caused a shutdown, they were "holding the government ransom". Trying to glaze over the fact that they are at fault for the shutdown as well, maybe not as much as the republicans. I am not a fan of either of these parties but at least the republicans attempted to do something (though they chose quite possibly the worst venue to do so). Rather than being pathetic little yes men willing to throw more money down a pit without even thinking about "should we be spending this money", "is this right", "are we setting up dominoes and hoping they won't fall". There is no rational justification for continuing down this path that ends in ruin. The worst thing is, people will applaud them for this, they will believe all of the bullshit. It seems the current state is, believe whatever they say and question nothing.
The American people have just had another helping of pure bullshit slopped onto their plates and because someone told them it was delicious, they have happily begun devouring it. "If it doesn't taste good, don't eat it" that can translate to many areas of life.
Well I'm sure I'll have more on this later but right now I'm tired of typing on my phone.