Alrighty for once I'm gonna try and write a little bit of a serious blog. It's not something I do often but I feel I've discovered a lot about myself, even when if I try to put it into words it sounds like so little.
For starters I consider James and Salliss two of my best friends. James I've only met recently but he's by far one of the coolest, most laid back guys I've ever met. He's honestly very fun to hang around and plays a mean game of pool. Salliss was one of the first friends I made on SG and one of the most enduring. I spent nine hours of my weekend with her, just hanging out, helping out, and trying to make things fun and easy. And, as stupid as this may sound given that this is a soft-core alternative art-sleaze porn site that I'm paying annually for, I think I've made many of my best friends on SG as opposed to in school or anything like that.
Many of you know who you are; BubbleWrap, Autumnsky, Antichrist, Expo, Anna, the list goes on and frankly I know if I try to list more I'll leave someone out on accident. But anyways, I've made really awesome, enduring friendships on SG. I think that's not too big a leap, I also discovered that I am INSANELY empathetic. Painfully so. People have always said that I'm an easy person to talk to because I listen and empathize and I always kinda took it for granted. But only recently have I discovered JUST how empathetic I am.
I've found I legitimately feel pain when I think that someone else is hurting, whether they really are or I'm imagining it. If I see someone crying, I feel a sharp pain in my chest and do everything I can to console them. If I even just think that someone MIGHT be sad, I feel that same sharp pain and begin to over exert myself trying to correct something that may or may not be broken. That's not to say friends shouldn't cry around me or be themselves, I don't want anyone to ever feel that they cannot fully be who they are around me. But I know I feel it so distinct, be it for people, animals, or objects. (Yes, objects. I feel bad if my car feels unappreciated.)
There's an upside to this though, I'm legitimately ecstatic when people around me, especially people I care about, are very happy and enjoying themselves. Be it people, animals, or objects (I feel happy if my car is satisfied with a good drive) I have a tendency to just be happier if people around me are happy. I think maybe these are just normal drives and that I'm just manufacturing discoveries about myself but it's the first time I've ever really recognized it.
This probably sounds like nothing, maybe it is nothing, but it sure as hell has left a profound impact on me since it happened. I haven't thought the same way, I haven't seen things the same way, and I won't lie when I say it frightens me a little. But I suppose I'd rather be there for my friends.
For starters I consider James and Salliss two of my best friends. James I've only met recently but he's by far one of the coolest, most laid back guys I've ever met. He's honestly very fun to hang around and plays a mean game of pool. Salliss was one of the first friends I made on SG and one of the most enduring. I spent nine hours of my weekend with her, just hanging out, helping out, and trying to make things fun and easy. And, as stupid as this may sound given that this is a soft-core alternative art-sleaze porn site that I'm paying annually for, I think I've made many of my best friends on SG as opposed to in school or anything like that.
Many of you know who you are; BubbleWrap, Autumnsky, Antichrist, Expo, Anna, the list goes on and frankly I know if I try to list more I'll leave someone out on accident. But anyways, I've made really awesome, enduring friendships on SG. I think that's not too big a leap, I also discovered that I am INSANELY empathetic. Painfully so. People have always said that I'm an easy person to talk to because I listen and empathize and I always kinda took it for granted. But only recently have I discovered JUST how empathetic I am.
I've found I legitimately feel pain when I think that someone else is hurting, whether they really are or I'm imagining it. If I see someone crying, I feel a sharp pain in my chest and do everything I can to console them. If I even just think that someone MIGHT be sad, I feel that same sharp pain and begin to over exert myself trying to correct something that may or may not be broken. That's not to say friends shouldn't cry around me or be themselves, I don't want anyone to ever feel that they cannot fully be who they are around me. But I know I feel it so distinct, be it for people, animals, or objects. (Yes, objects. I feel bad if my car feels unappreciated.)
There's an upside to this though, I'm legitimately ecstatic when people around me, especially people I care about, are very happy and enjoying themselves. Be it people, animals, or objects (I feel happy if my car is satisfied with a good drive) I have a tendency to just be happier if people around me are happy. I think maybe these are just normal drives and that I'm just manufacturing discoveries about myself but it's the first time I've ever really recognized it.
This probably sounds like nothing, maybe it is nothing, but it sure as hell has left a profound impact on me since it happened. I haven't thought the same way, I haven't seen things the same way, and I won't lie when I say it frightens me a little. But I suppose I'd rather be there for my friends.
Thanks guys! 
