Do we really know the person we are? or are we the person we try/want to be?
When people change plans last min and rather just sit around for hours all day get on my nevus.
Well home from my deployment
Thank you
welcome back!
Just putting this out there 2.5months and ill be out of Kandahar and back home to the states.
FYI: Coming soon to ITunes for your download connivance "Sweet Dreams (Avicii) vs Daft Punk - Aerodynamite" by HeatRoc on Casa de Max Records.
What is everyone up to this Labor Day
Has anyone had that feeling they are making the right choose in there life or past ones could not of been the correct one. well I am feeling that way not. It is kind of upsetting.
Kicking back before the gym watching The Simpsons...then work
I think its funny every time I look at the comments on photos they are all the same. Meaning one word or a quick line. Nothing to about how tasteful or one photo / something that just stood out..