There are midgets who are small, and midgets who are smaller
There are midgets who wish they were a little bit taller
But, oh the wonderful things that midgets can do
Even ride in the pouch of a kangaroo
Midgets spend life pretty close to the ground
Midgets have faces and bellies so round
Though one thing that is big is a midget's head
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There are midgets who wish they were a little bit taller
But, oh the wonderful things that midgets can do
Even ride in the pouch of a kangaroo
Midgets spend life pretty close to the ground
Midgets have faces and bellies so round
Though one thing that is big is a midget's head
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You seem ton know a lot about little people, so maybe you can help me with something. Are leprechauns simply the bankers of the little people world or did they steal all that gold?

that was beautiful...

was just another boring saturday...saw a really disturbing article somewhere on the web today that's pretty much left a sick feeling in my gut all day. certainly not something that has helped to restore my faith in humanity, and another smack in the face to the female population in general i think. gotta love those liberal, feminist, artsy types, (yuck). give all the nice...
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I just got home, went out riding and went fishing =)
Interesting article. These types only give the female populaiton and nice girls in general a smack in the face if the nice girls let it. I tend to agree with Gandhi when it comes to stuff like this...humanity is an ocean, if only one drop of water in the ocean is dirty, the entire ocean does not become dirty. Or something like that.
Thanks for the friend request. Its always nice to meet fellow east coasters. By the way, I absolutely love your nurse pin up tattoo.
Thanks for the friend request. Its always nice to meet fellow east coasters. By the way, I absolutely love your nurse pin up tattoo.

I was an angel, at least that's what you said
But this halo sits crooked on top of my head
You called me an angel with these dirty wings
I never knew why you filled my head with such things
Stop me before I have time to explain
I've got the ticket, if you've got the train
We strayed from the path, we never did...
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But this halo sits crooked on top of my head
You called me an angel with these dirty wings
I never knew why you filled my head with such things
Stop me before I have time to explain
I've got the ticket, if you've got the train
We strayed from the path, we never did...
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Today was so nice i rode my motorcycle into work =)
I hope it stays like this all weekend!
So what are you doing this weekend? Anything fun?
I hope it stays like this all weekend!
So what are you doing this weekend? Anything fun?
I guess you could spot me from miles away
The one who it would not take much to betray
The one so nave and
So easy to deceive, but
The lies tasted sweeter coming from your lips
The truth disappearing under hushed fingertips
The same game I have lost a million times before
This is a game I do not need to play anymore
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The one who it would not take much to betray
The one so nave and
So easy to deceive, but
The lies tasted sweeter coming from your lips
The truth disappearing under hushed fingertips
The same game I have lost a million times before
This is a game I do not need to play anymore
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Whats up sweetie.
Life is ok I guess, just waiting on word to see if i get this house or not.
I was down on 17 again yesterday lol
So how you doing?
I really like your poems, makes me want to start writing again...just im not as good with my words like you lol
Life is ok I guess, just waiting on word to see if i get this house or not.
I was down on 17 again yesterday lol
So how you doing?
I really like your poems, makes me want to start writing again...just im not as good with my words like you lol
Dear Madam:
In response to your prayer received 15 March 2008, I regret to inform you that sleep has been taken off the market and replaced with something more cost effective. There is an equivalent therapeutic interchange to the escape you no longer make the journey to each night and it should be available to you before the end of the year.
Please excuse the...
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In response to your prayer received 15 March 2008, I regret to inform you that sleep has been taken off the market and replaced with something more cost effective. There is an equivalent therapeutic interchange to the escape you no longer make the journey to each night and it should be available to you before the end of the year.
Please excuse the...
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i put some saddle bags on my motorcycle, washed and waxed it and went out for a ride. Then got into it with the ex =/
So how come you work so much? A nurse?
So how come you work so much? A nurse?
I am pretty sure that God hears all the prayers, but has to pick and choose. I don't think it is a budget thing, but just a logistics and time thing. 

The breath of doom lingers hotly over my skin as
Fear slides from my belly down my toes
Its heavy form wrenching at my legs
Cementing me in place
Complacency shapes the shackles at my wrists
Offering such a dysphoric restraint
Taunting her hands around my neck
For allowing me to breathe
Exposing that which had been forever disguised
Beneath the shell I have been...
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Fear slides from my belly down my toes
Its heavy form wrenching at my legs
Cementing me in place
Complacency shapes the shackles at my wrists
Offering such a dysphoric restraint
Taunting her hands around my neck
For allowing me to breathe
Exposing that which had been forever disguised
Beneath the shell I have been...
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You are really good with your words!
So hows it going tonight?
So hows it going tonight?
Respect is nothing but a laughing matter
While the reign of the sovereign hypocrites will never end
Watch me melt and watch me drown and watch me killed
In a million years you won't remember this
Bring the truth to your attention
Fear is so contagious
Why must you keep me in a box?
You always knew I would not go
Yet you keep me...
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While the reign of the sovereign hypocrites will never end
Watch me melt and watch me drown and watch me killed
In a million years you won't remember this
Bring the truth to your attention
Fear is so contagious
Why must you keep me in a box?
You always knew I would not go
Yet you keep me...
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thats bad ass....well the flair part, not the funeral part. So that were you are from? I use to work with a wrestler that wrestled ric flair one time. I thought about going to school to be one at one point...but i needed money, and there really isent money in doing that unless your big time lol
sometimes thats the best lol
The time for sleep has passed
The journey that awaits
Will greet us with a backward glance
The disillusioned shall not rest
For we have many miles left to
Travel before the moon leaves us for the sun
Brush the dirt from your knees and
Quickly take my hand
I will show you the way
I have only forged before
Under the gift of sleep...
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The journey that awaits
Will greet us with a backward glance
The disillusioned shall not rest
For we have many miles left to
Travel before the moon leaves us for the sun
Brush the dirt from your knees and
Quickly take my hand
I will show you the way
I have only forged before
Under the gift of sleep...
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nice poem...yours?
Thanks the for the add btw =)
Thanks the for the add btw =)
I'd be happy if you let me
I whisper to myself
(I know I talk too much)
But it's not half of what I think
Stay on top of me please as you
Hold me down and
Wash me clean and promise me
I wouldn't be
Better off dead
Pretending you don't see
How I've split myself in two
And scattered shattered pieces of myself...
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I whisper to myself
(I know I talk too much)
But it's not half of what I think
Stay on top of me please as you
Hold me down and
Wash me clean and promise me
I wouldn't be
Better off dead
Pretending you don't see
How I've split myself in two
And scattered shattered pieces of myself...
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