i like this picture not only because i look fine as hale, but because if you look into the my right side of my sunglasses (your viewing left), you can see, in all his yellow shirted glory, boxofficepoison. we hung out today and drank $1.50 high lifes and watched the liars for free at mccarren because i'm broke as shit until thursday and he's a self admitted cheap jew bastard (but i like him enough anyway).
i also like that picture because i finally, in mid-late july, look like a human being and not a drowning victim.
i blew it with mural boy. i completely ignored him and didn't even say hi to him while i was down by my job, and he kept trying to make eye contact with me to get my attention. i was so fucking pissed off though, because my friend i made plans with completely blew me off and had me waiting in front of my job on my day off waiting for her in fucking nyc heat for half an hour, while she was completely unreachable and never showed. and i'm 99% sure today is their last day of painting. oh well. if he wants to get in touch with me, he has my email. and if all else fails, in a few days i'll shoot out a "it looks great"/apology email. my lesbian best friend has been encouraging me to fight for it because i think deep down she's a hopeless romantic, but to be fair, i haven't has feelings like this for anyone since sam. no one since them has made me crack a smile no matter what and bite my lip and wrinkle my nose.
i'm debating whether or not to go blonde. i do this constantly, go dark and miss being blonde, or go blonde and miss being dark.
Very nice pic my dear.. free shows are always the best even if you only get to drink HL's. I say leave your hair dark. Blondes are so over rated and it might lower your I.Q. a little.. j/k.
Ummm... hmmm... I do believe that dirty blondes are not the same as regular blondes. Yeah thats it
Well whatever you decide to do I know you will rock it well