so........yesturday i filled out paperwork at acmoore and ended up working 5 hrs! and im going to work very shortly for 3-7..then AGAIN friday from 630am to a little overly excited..
plus.. I LOVE uniforms(and NAMETAGS!)!!makes it so much easier to get dressed for work lol
i scare myself sometimes lol

i can be normal occasionally too..
anyways.. i was just thinking today of things ive always wanted to do..but never did and am possibly to old too now..kinda sad
1) i wanted to go to a boy/girl camp during the summer when i was in elementary/middle i use to watch bugjuice all the time on the disney channel.. which was like a reality kids camp show..i really wanted to be part of it..
i did go to girlscout camp but that was about it
AND somewhat related 2) I always wanted to WORK at a boy/girl camp as a counsilor..i know it dosent pay well but thats gotta be a memorable experience..i think i missed the boat on both of these though..
plus.. I LOVE uniforms(and NAMETAGS!)!!makes it so much easier to get dressed for work lol

i scare myself sometimes lol

i can be normal occasionally too..
anyways.. i was just thinking today of things ive always wanted to do..but never did and am possibly to old too now..kinda sad
1) i wanted to go to a boy/girl camp during the summer when i was in elementary/middle i use to watch bugjuice all the time on the disney channel.. which was like a reality kids camp show..i really wanted to be part of it..

AND somewhat related 2) I always wanted to WORK at a boy/girl camp as a counsilor..i know it dosent pay well but thats gotta be a memorable experience..i think i missed the boat on both of these though..
thats a very cute uniform. i wish i were so lucky.
Yeah uniforms make it much to easier get dressed for work, but only because it takes all the choices away from you. Now a dress code will makes people say what can I get away with?