alright i got back a little later than expected. went to quincy, mass. thursday morning...pennsilviana fri-mon, then new hampshire tues until NOW! it was pretty eventful, had a lot of fun. Of course anytime with Ed is a good time, saw his parents, who gave me large and unnecssiary pictures of Eds sister and her baby.. saw my dad and his 31 year old wife who bares my same EXACT NAME, had her 5 year old treat me like a junglegym, not a fan, had dinner at a fancy restaurant with my dad, his wife and his wife's parents..while her mother continually made rude comments towards me...playful, but rude. and throughout all this, since sunday Ive been enduring this HORRIFIC pain from a vaginal tear, oh first experience with these and dear lord jesus, i seriously want to shoot myself. feels like im rubbing salt or pouring alchol on an open wound everytime i pee..and just walking or sitting is pretty uncomfortable too...damn it all. i looked it up and pretty much the verdict is..the pain will probably last 2+ weeks and theres NOTHING I CAN DO ABOUT IT! plus..tried to change my bc, nueva ring style..went to grab the little bastard from up there and about feel over in its still up there...thankfully, regardless i wont have to worry about pregnacy because im not letting ANYONE near that area....worst pain ever...that is all.
EDIT: just found out one of my cats, bigaboy has been missing since at LEAST yesturday....hes not one to wonder and i live out in the woods so this is very upsetting...
Bigaboy please come home this pain is even worse than the one mentioned above.
EDIT: just found out one of my cats, bigaboy has been missing since at LEAST yesturday....hes not one to wonder and i live out in the woods so this is very upsetting...
I'm glad you're feeling a little better though. Friends are always good at keeping your mind off things. I do do doooo hope you feel better soon though. It sounds like one of the most painful things EVERR.
Have a good week dear and feel better