Have you seen this man?
I made alcohol today! It's pretty basic but they say the journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step... sugar + yeast & water = alcohol vola! I made an airlock out of plastic jars from walmart and hot glue & such. Anyway it's fun. How was your easter?

I made alcohol today! It's pretty basic but they say the journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step... sugar + yeast & water = alcohol vola! I made an airlock out of plastic jars from walmart and hot glue & such. Anyway it's fun. How was your easter?
You know I am not sure... I am a freak though, I toss anything that I am not sure about... I think as long as you have it immersed in water, and change said water everyday... it should keep for a bit like that. Does it smell funn?
Oh yeah... I love making tofu scrambler... it is really good cold in a pita with some cucumbers on it... yummy yummy!!