Yesss, I got my driver's licence back so now I don't have to make that $500 monthly payment in vain. After 3 months I bet it'll be strange to drive again... I could even go to Iowa City, such possibilities. In this cold weather the battery got keeled so hopefully the tiny battery charger I threw on it will do me some good in a hour or two.
In other news, Tabarin the chef made another loaf of bread, this time using all white flour so I can get that unhealthy junk out of my kitchen... it turned out ok but a mouse decided to crawl into the oven and crap on it (after eating some first of course)... I think healthy foodstuffs is becoming a hobby for me... beer is next
In other news, Tabarin the chef made another loaf of bread, this time using all white flour so I can get that unhealthy junk out of my kitchen... it turned out ok but a mouse decided to crawl into the oven and crap on it (after eating some first of course)... I think healthy foodstuffs is becoming a hobby for me... beer is next

I like this one of Osha too...

Mmmmm, homemade bread. *drools*