Yesterday I joined SG 'cause I couldn't find a free password (no really ;P) not that I would do anything like that mind you. My town sucks, gotta move and go to college somewhere else...
More Blogs
Wednesday Sep 24, 2003
darn it! where are all the days going? It's almost friday again! #%&… -
Sunday Sep 14, 2003
gah, getting sick sucks. Or maybe I should say constantly almost get… -
Saturday Aug 23, 2003
DANGER! A dangerous toy. This toy is being made for the extreme pri… -
Tuesday Jul 29, 2003
Oy I'm tired, but I've been sleeping better. I think taking time wak… -
Saturday Jul 26, 2003
To be wanted.. to be needed What's it worth, ..where does it… -
Tuesday Jul 22, 2003
Philosophy time! I got into an interesting discussion with my moth… -
Friday Jul 18, 2003
Have you ever had the experience where you really wanted something an… -
Wednesday Jul 16, 2003
I've temporarily changed my pic to one of my favorite cartoons of yea… -
Friday Jul 11, 2003
Tabarin is a rockstar! Well, not really, but I was doing a Karaoke e… -
Saturday Jul 05, 2003
My second day back from my big trip and I've just scored 4 hours of s…