...SOMETIMES I THINK: if there really is a heaven and hell...i want to go straight to hell, thanks to all of those "jesus pushers"...
...i mean, i imagine all of those so-called "born again" savior-souls being there when i finally arrive, maybe naked, and i'd just want to push the elevator key to take me way down below, as all of these merry-fucks tend to remind of what i've been running from all of my life now...
...the thought that hitler might even be up in those "heavenly skies" tends to make barf even more these days...i mean, he was "a christian" and he let "his religion" dominate over killing lots of Jews...
...NAH...after spending much time with "all these merry people" preaching to me "the word" to relax their own minds, i just gotta say: thank you for your time and effort! But, if i gotta deal with all of your bad breath once i finally sacked my way to heaven, i will feel saved in knowing there is a hell
...SOMETIMES I THINK: if there really is a heaven and hell...i want to go straight to hell, thanks to all of those "jesus pushers"...
...i mean, i imagine all of those so-called "born again" savior-souls being there when i finally arrive, maybe naked, and i'd just want to push the elevator key to take me way down below, as all of these merry-fucks tend to remind of what i've been running from all of my life now...
...the thought that hitler might even be up in those "heavenly skies" tends to make barf even more these days...i mean, he was "a christian" and he let "his religion" dominate over killing lots of Jews...
...NAH...after spending much time with "all these merry people" preaching to me "the word" to relax their own minds, i just gotta say: thank you for your time and effort! But, if i gotta deal with all of your bad breath once i finally sacked my way to heaven, i will feel saved in knowing there is a hell