...another praying mantis was found at my work-place tonite, but, only this one was dead...buried her properly because i somehow felt the orange-blazed melt of this lonely soul and don't believe in bruising for anymore bad karma...many insects keep us alive. PERIOD.
...i had on my mad MP3 player eyes tonight whilst switching the selection to random while it seems my player tends to play the same SH*T over and over again: MTV revisited...HEY! where's the DJ?, the next big event i have to look forward this summer is having my deviated septum finally fixed/corrected...last surgery i had done was getting my wisdom teeth pulled, over 10 years ago...guess there is actually a fatality rate dealing w/the deviated septum thing and knowing my luck, it will probably be the procedure that finally does me Andy Warhol, i'm afraid of surgery + hospitals, and it was a simple operation that eventually put him underground...
...purple wires were running through my veins tonite...found flowers in the decor of silence...
...finally putting my mainstream scenes of life to waste: set my "myspace" page to private..tends to be the trend these more wasted words to the "craig's list" when i was last feeling alive back in april...that joke isn't funny anymore...
...where life suddenly ends...
...another praying mantis was found at my work-place tonite, but, only this one was dead...buried her properly because i somehow felt the orange-blazed melt of this lonely soul and don't believe in bruising for anymore bad karma...many insects keep us alive. PERIOD.
...i had on my mad MP3 player eyes tonight whilst switching the selection to random while it seems my player tends to play the same SH*T over and over again: MTV revisited...HEY! where's the DJ?, the next big event i have to look forward this summer is having my deviated septum finally fixed/corrected...last surgery i had done was getting my wisdom teeth pulled, over 10 years ago...guess there is actually a fatality rate dealing w/the deviated septum thing and knowing my luck, it will probably be the procedure that finally does me Andy Warhol, i'm afraid of surgery + hospitals, and it was a simple operation that eventually put him underground...
...purple wires were running through my veins tonite...found flowers in the decor of silence...
...finally putting my mainstream scenes of life to waste: set my "myspace" page to private..tends to be the trend these more wasted words to the "craig's list" when i was last feeling alive back in april...that joke isn't funny anymore...
...where life suddenly ends...