PORN WASTED... side exposed per frame...purple it slides...a dressed lion full of hercules motion...AND man into man...she is woman. she is too man to display her emotions in this pap-smear fantasy of mine...slapping about as i discover the lotion spread loose upon my fingers...a fast jerk-off, lubricated to increase the slide so that i can get like sky dreams and wild like diamonds...the porn is not wasted if you hit pause and eject the tape. For, if you cannot ejaculate over what was and what it are just a pussy and that makes you a dick. side exposed per frame...purple it slides...a dressed lion full of hercules motion...AND man into man...she is woman. she is too man to display her emotions in this pap-smear fantasy of mine...slapping about as i discover the lotion spread loose upon my fingers...a fast jerk-off, lubricated to increase the slide so that i can get like sky dreams and wild like diamonds...the porn is not wasted if you hit pause and eject the tape. For, if you cannot ejaculate over what was and what it are just a pussy and that makes you a dick.