...SO...been listening to Medicine's 2nd album a lot this week..."the Buried Life." AND...if there is truly one song that makes me orgasm, it is "Baby Doll"! Skip back to the band's 1st album: it would definitely have to be "Sweet Explosion" because its all about sex and really love the line: " me that you need me..."
...AND...the record industry doesn't seem to make bands like that no more...Radiohead and Nine Inch Nails seem to be proving a lesson going independent: Music-junkies are all about the art-form and these are the bands that are currently selling...THE MUSIC CORPORATION IS TRULY GOING UNDER BECAUSE WE NEED TRUE ARTISTS! And does anyone tend to notice how the top-forty in the U.S. presently seems to suck? Art seems to be at it's best form when there is an artist involved...NOT THE INDUSTRY!
...SO...I took most of my recent "myspace" blogs down as of recent...was just using that page as a writing exercise to get me warmed up for my next intervention...
...Saturday is coffee night with my writing buddy...deep conversation...AND: I realize the difference between Kerouac and Bukowski: Kerouac seemed to feel the pain that came with love, life, and death and the feelings of others and even animals with "their sad eyes." Bukowski wrote about the same suffering in life, although he did not seem so welcoming to strangers or pets...but seemed to know the weight of the world... seemed a little bit more like Larry David without the bald-spot on his head...
...I'm somewhere in between: without words, there is no inspiration.
...SO...been listening to Medicine's 2nd album a lot this week..."the Buried Life." AND...if there is truly one song that makes me orgasm, it is "Baby Doll"! Skip back to the band's 1st album: it would definitely have to be "Sweet Explosion" because its all about sex and really love the line: " me that you need me..."
...AND...the record industry doesn't seem to make bands like that no more...Radiohead and Nine Inch Nails seem to be proving a lesson going independent: Music-junkies are all about the art-form and these are the bands that are currently selling...THE MUSIC CORPORATION IS TRULY GOING UNDER BECAUSE WE NEED TRUE ARTISTS! And does anyone tend to notice how the top-forty in the U.S. presently seems to suck? Art seems to be at it's best form when there is an artist involved...NOT THE INDUSTRY!
...SO...I took most of my recent "myspace" blogs down as of recent...was just using that page as a writing exercise to get me warmed up for my next intervention...
...Saturday is coffee night with my writing buddy...deep conversation...AND: I realize the difference between Kerouac and Bukowski: Kerouac seemed to feel the pain that came with love, life, and death and the feelings of others and even animals with "their sad eyes." Bukowski wrote about the same suffering in life, although he did not seem so welcoming to strangers or pets...but seemed to know the weight of the world... seemed a little bit more like Larry David without the bald-spot on his head...
...I'm somewhere in between: without words, there is no inspiration.
That group, the baby Boomers. As they move off into nostalgia and a slow lingering death ( note all the nostalgia bands that are touring to a casino or arena new your and drawing crowds ) and music transfer becomes digital patterns on really small personal connections. The big brilliant scene correction/ changing acts will disappear like dinosaurs.
Music will become more individual and regional. With very few mass cross cultural artists. What we saw back in the 80's and 90's was the end of an era. A bigger change than the 60's when it came to culture. But, the culture vultures slightly older than us has to die off before it will be truly realised.
The Powers that be here also quietly bunch all the progressive actions, marches and parades together. I think they don't want the uppity liberal, Gay, Bi-leftists weirdos to gain any mass numbers to think that they can have more than one month a year where they feel good about themselves.
It might get in the way of the other 356 days soul grinding capitalistic exploitation, and Corporate convention friendly tourism. B.C. often feels like a Cruise ship to most visitors, unless you know someone here. Everyone sort of passive aggressively "Likes" you - but not. You know, that painted on touristy smile while giving half hearted directions to the sites. We'll tell you where they are but we won't invite you in.
I just wish that Gay Pride would morph fast into say : The Love Parade in Berlin. Where all gender love is celebrated. Sadly, the closest thing is Saint Patricks Day ( Which is more : Straight White Pride Drinking Till you Puke Day ) The Germans are far more civilized and let people drink, and drug out a bit without new protestant guilt tripping. As they know where that leads far too well.
My Red heads have been quite or quasi Bi as well. ( And not very Monogamist to boot ) I wonder why that is.... I'll bet there's a study somewhere